YCI Book Archive
il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo

il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo YCI Book Archive

YCI Book Archive

YCI Book Archive

Hai cercato iniziale: H . Records found: 44

Handling small boats in heavy weather

Robb Frank

Navigazione a vela - Manuali

Handling small boats under power

Watson Ted

Navigazione a motore - Manuali


Hansens Halfd.

Viaggi per mare - Fiordi norvegesi

Heaven, Hell and salt Water

Crowe Bill Crowe Phyllis

Viaggi per mare - Circumnavigazioni

Heaven, hell and salt water

Crowe Bill Crowe Phyllis

Viaggi per mare - Circumnavigazioni

Heavy weather sailing

Coles Kaines Adlar

Navigazione a vela - Manuali

Heavy Weather Sailing

Coles Adler & Bruce

Helmsman’s Handbook (The).

Heckstall-Smith Brooke

Yachting - Storia

Herreshoff of Bristol

Bray Maynard & Pinheiro Carlton

High Latitude Crossing. The Viking route to America

Haward Peter J.

Viaggi per mare - Transatlantica

High-speed small craft

Du Cane Peter

Marina - Gran Bretagna - Motor craft

Hinckley Story (The)

Hinckley B.B. jr.

Histoire de la Marine

Gustave-Touduze George

Marina - Storia

Histoire d´un record. Tabarly raconte l´Atlantique en 10 jours

Tabarly Eric Lemaitre Michele

Regate - Storia

History of Air Navigation

Hughes Arthur J.

Navigazione aerea - Storia

History of American Sailing Ships (The)

Chapelle Howard I.

Navigazione a Vela U.S.A. - Storia

History of marine navigation (A)

Collinder Per

Navigazione - Storia

History of Offshore Powerboat Racing (A)

Crouse John O.

Motonautica - Storia

History of seamanship (A)

Phillips-Birt Douglas

Arte della navigazione - Storia

History of the Royal Bombay Yacht Club

Rai Gulshan Rai Gulshan

Royal Bombay Yacht Club - Storia

History of the Star Class (A). The first eighty years

Ogilvy C. Stanley

Classe velica - Star

History of Yachting (The)

Phillips-Birt Douglas

History of Yachting (The). 1600-1815

Clark Arthur H. New York Yacht Club

Yachting - Storia

Hommes et Navires au Cap Horn, 1616-1939

Randier Jean

Capo Horn - Storia

Hornblower and the “Atropos”

Forester Cecil S.


Hornblower and the Hotspur

Forester Cecil S.


How to draw fishing craft

Beck Stuart E.

Barche da pesca - Disegni

How to draw sail & sea

Leszczynski Michal

Barche a vela - Disegni

How to draw ships

Anson Peter F.

Navi - Disegni

Humor Graphic Naval

Consigli Luciano

Umorismo - Grafica navale umoristica

Humour graphic naval deisgn

Consigli Luciano

Disegni umoristici

Hurricane Zoe and other Sailing

Peyton Mike

Disegni umoristici

Hurricane´s Wake. Around the world in a ketch

Kauffman Ray

Viaggi per mare - Circumnavigazioni

Hydrofoil Sailing

Alexander Alan John Grogono James, Nigg Donald J.
